
A collection of some of my old posts.

Yesterday’s News
I have never been more optimistic about the future. The internet has been on a rollercoaster ride and so far it has survived. It got stretched philosophically only to adapt and expand. The biggest test came late in the last few years as Twitter quite frankly started to annoy a
Goal Drift
I had some ambitious goals set for 2020 revolving around three themes: mind, body, and soul. Each theme was composed of three. For mind, I had read a book per month, write an article per month, and self-improvement. For body, I had run a marathon, mindfulness, and minimize screen time.
Fires, Storms, and Rules
It’s time for another [] visual essay. Below are seven observations about forest fires, tropical storms, and the state of technology regulation. They are disparate, and yet related. Fires Observation #1: Alternative facts Left: Bjorn Lomborg tweet [] in 2017;
Retail Is Dead. Let’s Celebrate.
Retail has met its fate. If I never set foot in another store again, I’ll be just fine. Consumerism decays our society. It is the one sin that we all as Americans share — gluttony — and eradicating it is a step forward not backwards.
Why Thomas Jefferson Doesn’t Have His Own Musical
I will try hard to not make this into a book review. Having recently read Joseph J. Ellis’s American Dialogue [], and having spent my quarantine in a colonial town named after a Founding Father, I have been thinking a lot about the
Reflections on a Strange Month
This has been one of the strangest months we’ll probably ever endure in the Western world, which means that even my typical writing structure will be out of whack. It’s as if the planets aligned and a laser beam shot from the Sun through all of the planets,
Attention Monsters and the Radical Plan for Winning Back Our Minds
The current ecosystem surrounding Web 1.0 is reaching a saturation point. The internet has been tuned to maximize our addiction levels and users are literally losing it []. Look no further than the effect of iPhones on mental health [
Why Toronto Is Primed for Greatness
I am not one to peddle sensational predictions but I came across one observation recently that I found hard not to share. Toronto, Canada’s version of New York City, Chicago, San Francisco, London, Philadelphia, (anything else?) all bundled up into one metropolis, is a city that has a lot
The Rise of the Super Trend
There are a series of very closely linked mega trends that have unfolded throughout the last decade: technology, financial repression, aging populations, and income inequality. I will begin this short commentary by restating what is largely collective wisdom today and then tying the trends together into what I describe as